be the change
You’ve Got Choices!
There is a growing gallery of choices. Keep Scrolling! They are arranged by individual topics and also by ‘packages’ of recordings that highlight themes. You can click on an image to access the meditation. You can also find the full library of my recordings on Soundcloud.
You can Also Do my Self-paced
I have a self-paced mini-course in mindfulness comprised of short, sequenced steps to get you started. This course grows out of years of teaching mindfulness on a University campus where people are busy and stressed! The steps are simple, accessible, and helpful.
You’ll find pre-recorded practices on four topics, common questions and pitfalls and suggestions for immediately bringing the topics into your work, studies, relationships, and daily life. If you are just getting started, this opens the door. If you have some experience, this can serve as a refresher.

“The more regularly and the more deeply you meditate, the sooner you will find yourself acting always from a center of peace.” — anonymous

Pick & Choose individual practices here
(Choose what Sparks your Curiosity)
Emotional Self Care
Support for sleep
12 min of sleep support coming… coming….
Take 5! Brief, Uplifting Ease
Affirmation (coming….)
“Radical Acceptance is the willingness to experience ourselves and our life as it is. And this revolutionary act of accepting and treating ourselves tenderly can begin to undo the aversive messages of a lifetime. ~ Tara Brach, Psychologist & Meditation Teacher