My Journey Exploring Deep Kindness as equity & Healing
freeing ourselves:
from unkind, de-humanizing action, belief, & systems
I want to understand the system I live in and try to pull out the threads of harm, hurt, superiority, and oppression in my own psyche and interactions.
~Kindness Redefined
Let’s open a conversation internalized oppression. And let’s talk about how to we can reclaim kindness to liberate ourselves from interpersonal harm and trauma.
Fifteen years ago I began reflecting on what it would mean to ‘Be Kind. Always.’ [I have a TEDx talk on this journey]. I haven’t been interested in surface level or transitory feel-good versions of kindness. I’m drawn to even-when-it’s-hard kindness; I want to explore kindness that is larger and more inclusive. Nobody left out.
I think systemic oppression can begin to change as we end everyday acts of normalized harm. I’m exploring what it means to be a white, female-identified person growing up/ living in a white-dominant, patriarchal, capitalist culture. I have privilege and I have also been oppressed and harmed by others. I want to understand the system I live in and try to pull out the threads of harm, hurt, superiority, and oppression in my own psyche and interactions.
I’m glad you are here; curious and reading. Maybe together we can change the world. ~ Jamie Derrick, Kindness Redefined
The Inner Oppressor Must Go
I live with a nagging, undermining, questioning, downright-insulting voice inside my head; the voice of an unreasonable, overly demanding oppressor. A voice that has been inside me for as long as I can remember. The…
Kindness & Race
The more I read and reflect, the more I wonder “How can I be proud of white culture?’ My culture. You know, how can I do this as NOT a White Supremacist or Nationalist? How…
Everyday Oppression Must End.
When I was tiny child – I couldn’t swim yet — and was taking swimming lessons at the local pool, I trusted my teachers. If they said ‘who wants to jump?’, I didn’t hesitate. I…
Introducing My Blog: ‘Kindness Redefined’
My own throat tightened as I watched not all, but what I could bear, of George Floyd calling out for his mother and for breath under the knee Derek Chauvin. My body responded to his cries. It…